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5 results

Lenka Clayton

Qaeda Quality Question Quickly Quickly Quiet, 2003

Farbe, Ton, DVD, PAL, 20 Min.

Susan Chales Beaulieu de

Tell me about a mistake that you have made, that you like to remember, 2001

Farbe, Ton, DVD, PAL, 20 Min.

Serge Sabarsky

Egon Schiele. Leben und Werk, 1996

Farbe, Ton, VHS, PAL, 41 Min.

David Hockney

Art Car. David Hockney, 1995

Farbe, Ton, VHS, PAL, 41 Min.

Eleanor Antin

Representational Painting | Darstellende Malerei, 1971

Digibeta PAL, S/W, ohne Ton, 38:00 Min. | Digibeta PAL, b&w, silent, 38:00 min.