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15 results

Félicien Rops

"Les Épaves (Charles Baudelaire), Frontispice", 1868

Radierung auf Chinapapier
["198mm x 129mm (Platte)","160mm x 102mm (Bild)","267mm x 130mm (Blatt)"]

Félicien Rops

Der Herr von Lumey / "Le Sire de Lumey", 1867

Radierung auf Chinapapier
["268mm x 188mm (Platte)","200mm x 135mm (Bild)","311mm x 221mm (Blatt)"]

Félicien Rops

Die Schmerzensmutter / "Mater Dolorosa", 1893

Kaltnadel auf Van-Gelder-Papier
["142mm x 90mm (Bild)","150mm x 101mm (Platte)","223mm x 173mm (Blatt)"]

Félicien Rops

Menschenhass / "Misanthropie!", 1872

Kaltnadel auf Van-Gelder-Papier
["187mm x 135mm (Bild)","215mm x 164mm (Platte)","286mm x 234mm (Blatt)"]

George-Antoine Rochegrosse, Lithograph, Zeichner | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"Apparition", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["308mm x 217mm (Bild)","381mm x 280mm (Blatt)"]

Jean Célestin Danguy, Lithograph, Zeichner | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"Martyrs", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["312mm x 245mm (Bild)","382mm x 281mm (Blatt)"]

Félicien Rops

Bürgertum / "Bourgeoisie"

Kaltnadel auf Van-Gelder-Papier
["199mm x 150mm (Platte)","189mm x 140mm (Bild)","476mm x 310mm (Blatt)"]

Alphonse Osbert, Lithograph, Zeichner | Marcel Schwob, Autor | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"La Jarre couronnée", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["300mm x 215mm (Bild)","380mm x 280mm (Blatt)","380mm x 560mm (Blatt)"]

Paul Jonnard (Jonnard-Pacel), Stecher | nach Gustave Doré, Zeichner, Erfinder | Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, London, Verleger

Der Sturz Luzifers, 1894 (?)

Holzstich (?)
["248mm x 223mm (Bild)","422mm x 308mm (Blatt)"]

Emile A. Coulon, Zeichner, Lithograph | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"L´Heure", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["271mm x 232mm (Bild)","381mm x 280mm (Blatt)"]

Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Zeichner, Lithograph | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"Croquis", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["229mm x 185mm (Bild)","379mm x 282mm (Blatt)"]

Louis Legrand, Zeichner, Lithograph | Henry de Régnier, Autor | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"Musicienne", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["290mm x 215mm (Bild)","380mm x 283mm (Blatt)"]

Aristide Maillol, Lithograph, Zeichner | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"Etude", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["208mm x 184mm (Bild)","381mm x 280mm (Blatt)"]

Eugène Martel , Lithograph, Zeichner | Drucker | L´Epreuve, Verlag

"Petite fille", 1895

Lithographie, in Braun, Papier
["288mm x 183mm (Bild)","382mm x 280mm (Blatt)"]

Félicien Rops

Die Versuchung (Illustration zu "Tableaux des mœurs de temps [...]" von M. de la Popelinière; Schlussvignette des ersten Bandes) / "La tentation (Illustration pour 'Tableaux des mœurs de temps [...]' de M. de la Popelinière; Cul-de lampe")

Radierung auf Chinapapier
["80mm x 63mm (Platte)","230mm x 162mm (Blatt)"]