Reese Williams

Whirlpool, 1979

Whirlpool, 1979

"Voyager II was launched August 20, 1977 from Cape Canaveral by NASA. (...) Attached to the exterior of the spacecraft with titanium bolts is an aluminium case protecting a porcelain cartridge, a diamond stylus, and a copper phonograph record sprayed with gold. Engraved on the cover are instructions in scientific language on how to play the record. The package is designed to last 1 billion years. (...) "Whirlpool" results from the pleasure of imagining someone encountering the 27 excerpts of music on the voyager record for the first time. (...) For "Whirlpool" I selected eight pieces of music. These selections were made in the same spirit as the Voyager selections - a valuing of the diversity of earth music. (...)" (Reese Williams)

Quelle: Plattencover

LP Inv. Nr.: A-1982-74 Collection:

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Reese Williams