Mike Kelley

The Banana Man, 1983

The Banana Man, 1983

Mike Kelley über "Banana Man":
"This is my only truly solo video project. The tape is an exploration of character and was done in direct reaction to my performance work at the time, which was characterless. Video seemed a good way, by virtue of it not operating in 'real' time, of dealing with character and psychological motivation. 'The Banana Man' was a minor figure on a children's television show I watched in my youth. I, myself, never saw this performer. Everything I know about him was told to me by my friends. The Banana Man is an attempt at constructing the psychology of the character -- problematized by the fact that the character is already a fictional one, and by the fact that none of my observations were direct ones" (zitiert nach: www.eai.org).

Details zu diesem Werk

Farbe, Ton U-Matic, NTSC, 28:15 Min. Technik Verso: www.mikekelley.com http://www.kunstwissen.de/fach/f-kuns/b_postm/kelley1.htm http://www.looksmart.com/ Erworben 1995 Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix Inv. Nr.: V-1995-24 Sammlung: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2020

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Mike Kelley