Douglas Gordon

Feature Film, 1999

Feature Film, 1999

Audio CD der gleichnamigen Ausstellung in The Atlantis Building, Brick Lane, London E1, 1. April 1 - 3. Mai 1999

"Music always underscored Hitchcock's vision - most notably through his collaboration with one of the greatest of all film composers, Bernard Herrmann. Imagine the shower scene in Psycho, the chase in North by Northwest or the love scenes in Vertigo - and you hear Herrmann's music as you recall Hitchcock's film. Like Hitchcock, Herrmann was an aficionado of romantic obsession and a master of suspense.
In Feature Film, Douglas Gordon arranged a divorce - between sound and vision - and orchestrated an affair - between what you remember and what you see.
Made in collaboration with the acclaimed conductor James Conlon, (principal conductor of the Paris Opera and the Cologne Philharmonic), Feature Film was a portrait and a landscape, a soundtrack and a motion picture.
The Atlantis Building in Brick Lane provided a fitting location for Douglas Gordon's cinematic installation. Feature Film was the first major work Douglas Gordon had shown in London since he was awarded the Turner Prize in 1996.
Feature Film was co-produced by Artangel & Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne, New Media Department as The Artangel / Beck's commission in association with Kölnischer Kunstverein/Central Krankenversicherung A.G. on the occasion of the CENTRAL ART AWARD 1998. It involved the participation of Agnès b. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and The Henry Moore Foundation with the support of Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris and Lisson Gallery, London. Presented in London with the support of London Arts Board.
Feature Film was shown at The Powerplant in Toronto, the Pompidou Centre in Paris and at the Serralves Museum in Porto." (zitiert nach, Zugriff 10.12.07)

Audio CD Technik Verso: Inv. Nr.: A-2007-04 Sammlung: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2020

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Douglas Gordon