Michael Snow

The Last LP, 1986/1987

The Last LP, 1986/1987

Einzigartige, letzte Aufnahmen von Musik alter Kulturen
Zusammengestellt von Michael Snow

1. Wu Ting Dee Lin Chao Cheu, 6:09 Min.
(Announcing the Arrival of the Emporer Wu Ting)
The Orchestra of the National Music Institute, Seoul Korea
2. Si Nopo Da, 3:42 Min.
(By What Signs Will I Come to Understand?)
Women of the Bo-sa-so-sho tribe, Niger, S.E. Africa
3. Ohwachira, 9:34 Min.
Water ceremony performed by Miantonomi and Cree tribespeople, Quebec, Canada
4. I Ching Dee Yen Tzen, 3:41 Min.
(The Strings of Love)
Tam Wing Lun on the Hui Tra, Ontario, Canada
5. Póhl Novyessnikh, 0:29 Min.
(Full to the Brim)
Performed by a 16-member male choir. Varda, Carpathia, USSR
6. Speech in Klögen, 2:12 Min.
by Okash, Northern Finland

7. Mbowunsa Mpahiya, 7:59 Min.
(Battle Song of Bowunsa)
Performed by male members of the Kpam Kpam tribe, Angola, West Africa
8. Quuiasukpuq Quai Gami, 2:14 Min.
(He is Happy Because He Came)
Performed by Ani'ksa'tuk of the Tornarssuk tribe, Siberia, USSR
9. Amitabha Chenden Kala, 6:32 Min.
(The Simultaneous Welcome of Amitabha)
Performed by the 12 monks of the Kagyupa Sect, Bhutan
10. Roiakuolo, 9:36 Min.
(Dawn Ceremony)
Performed by Sabané, Elahe, Brazil
11. Raga Lalat, 2:53 Min.
Performed by Palak Chawal, Benares, India

"... is in reality completely invented, played and sung by Michaelf Snow himself (via multi-track recording). Each piece is a short 'sonic film', Snow creating an illusion of truth 'truer' than reality. He plays all instruments, invented or otherwise, and does all vocals as well. The result is astonishing" (Raymond Gervais, Music/Sound, zit. nach http://a.musiccentre.ca/ds/CDs/LastLP.html).

LP Inv. Nr.: A-1989-04 Sammlung:

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Michael Snow