Commercial Album, 1980

Commercial Album, 1980

40 einminütige Tracks.

1. Easter Woman.
2. Perfect Love.
3. Picnic Boy.
4. End Of Home.
5. Amber.
6. Japanese Watercolor.
7. Secrets.
8. Die In Terror.
9. Red Rider.
10. My Second Wife.
11. Floyd.
12. Suburban Bathers.
13. Dimples And Toes.
14. The Namless Souls.
15. Love Leaks Out.
16. Act Of Being Polite.
17. Medicine Man.
18. Tragic Bells.
19. Loss Af Innocence.

20. The Simple Song.
21. Ups And Downs.
22. Possessions.
23. Give It To Someone Else.
24. Phantom.
25. Less No More.
26. My Work Is So Behind.
27. Birds In The Trees.
28. Handfull Of Desire.
29. Moisture.
30. Love Is...
31. Troubled Man.
32. La La.
33. Lonelines.
34. Nice Old Man.
35. The Talk Of Creatures.
36. Fingertips.
37. In Between Dreams.
38. Margater Freeman.
39. The Coming Of The Crow.
40. When We Were Young.

LP Inv. Nr.: A-1986-46 Sammlung:

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