Live At The Edge, 1975-1976

Live At The Edge, 1975-1976

Who Is It?, 9.4.1976, 25:57 Min.

That's Art Gerry, 15.2.1976, 10:15 Min.
Smoke, 1975, 14:50 Min.

Tapioca, 6.2.1976, 12:20 Min.
A Space Number Too, 15:10 Min.

Che Whiz, 19:31 Min.

Mit: Bob Markle, Rayner, Gerry McAdam, Graham Coughtry, Michael Snow, Nobuo Kubota

“Artists' Jazz Band (AJB). A pioneering Canadian free-jazz group initially composed of Toronto visual artists associated with the abstract-expressionist movement of the late 1950s. Collectively self-taught, it was formed in 1962 in a studio over the First Floor [jazz] Club … The AJB has generally performed in private (eg, for many years in Rayner's downtown loft) but has given occasional concerts at universities, galleries, and clubs in Ontario and was influential in the development of free jazz in Toronto during the 1970s. Some of its infrequent performances during the 1980s were made under the name An Artists' Jazz Band” (zit. nach

2 LP Technik Verso: Inv. Nr.: A-1985-26 Sammlung:

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