Brian Eno

Ambient 3. Day of Radiance, 1980

Ambient 3. Day of Radiance, 1980

Produziert von Brian Eno

Dance, 11:50
Dance, 7:24
Dance, 2:30

Meditation I, 19:19
Meditation II, 2:28

Zu Laraaij:
"Brought up in New Jersey, Laraaji was a jack of all trades until one day in the 1970s when he swapped his guitar for a zither in a Greenwich Village pawn shop and, after a few years of busking with the instrument, graduated to the professional circuit where he met Brian Eno, who produced this, Laraaji's debut album. Divided into two sections, "Dance" and "Meditation", Day Of Radiance is a showcase for Laraaji's unaccompanied, electronically treated zither. The dance pieces have a hypnotic, dervish-like quality about them, while the meditative pieces are mind cleansing and gorgeous, swirling in great shoals, repetitive yet glistening with detail and tiny variations, occasionally swelling in dazzling clusters before retreating into distant drones. An album that cries out for rediscovery by a later generation of ambient and new age aficionados." (David Stubbs)


Zu Ambient Music:

"An ambience is defined as an atmosphere, or a surrounding influence: a tint. My intention is to produce original pieces ostensibly (but not exclusively) for particular times and situations with a view to building up a small but versatile catalogue of environmental music suited to a wide variety of moods and atmospheres (...) Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting." (Brian Eno)

"[Brian Eno] ist einer der Wegbereiter des Konzepts der "ambient music": ruhige, fließende Klangumgebungen für private und öffentliche Räume, die in Zusammenhang mit dem Raumdesign eine dichte, gefühlsbetonte und teilweise funktionale Atmosphäre erzeugen. Ambient music setzt sich aus Umweltklängen und tonalen, gelegentlich auch atonalen Klangfolgen zusammen, die als klangliche Landschaftsbilder diese Räume akustisch erweitern."


LP Technik Verso: Inv. Nr.: A-1985-23 Sammlung:

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Weitere Werke von
Brian Eno; Laraaji