Philip Glass

Glassworks, 1982

Glassworks, 1982

Music by Philip Glass
The Philip Glass Ensemble
Michael Riesman, Conductor

Opening 6:25 Min.
Floe 5:59 Min.
Islands 7:40 Min.

Rubric 6:05 Min.
Façades 7:21 Min.
Closing 5:59 Min.

Music Composed and arranged by Philip Glass.
Produced by Kurt Munkacsi / Philip Glass.
Michael Riesman, Conductor.
Performed by The Philip Glass Ensemble
Michael Riesman: piano, electric organ, bass synthesizer
Jack Kripl: piccolo, soprano sax, clarinet, bass clarinet
Philip Glass: electric organ
Jon Gibson: soprano sax "Floe," "Rubric"
Richard Peck: tenor sax
Sharon Moe: French horn
Larry Wechsler: French horn
Violas: Linda Moss, Lois Martin, Julian Barber, Al Brown, Maureen Gallagher. Cellos: Seymour Barab, John Abramowitz, Fred Zlotkin.

Engineers: Kurt Munkacsi, Michael Riesman. A&R Coordinator: Richard Einhorn. Recorded at: Green Street Recording, Inc., New York, New York. JVC Digital equipment supplied by: Digital by Dickinson, Bloomfield, New Jersey

"In 1982 Philip Glass became the first composer since Aaron Copland to join the CBS Masterworks label. Glass had formed the Philip Glass Ensemble in 1968, but it wasn't until his opera Einstein on the Beach (1976) that he achieved great critical and popular success. His first album for Masterworks, Glassworks, tripled all sales projections, pleasing audiences, critics and Glass himself: "I'm very pleased with it, the way it's received in performance. The pieces seem to have an emotional quality that everyone responds to, and they work very well as performance pieces."


LP Inv. Nr.: A-1984-08 Sammlung:

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Philip Glass