Philip Glass

Koyaanisqatsi, 1982

Koyaanisqatsi, 1982

Soundtrack zum gleichnamigen Film, komponiert von Philip Glass.

Koyaanisqatsi, 3:28 Min.
Organic, 7:43 Min.
Cloudscape, 4:34 Min.
Resource, 6:39 Min.
Vessels, 8:05 Min.
Pruit Igoe, 7:53 Min.

The Grid, 21:23 Min.
Prophecies, 13:36 Min.

Music composed by Philip Glass for the film by Godfrey Reggio.
Conducted by Michael Riesman.
Performed by:
Albert de Ruiter: bass vocal
The Western Wind Vocal Ensemble: Phyllis Elaine Clark, soprano. Kathy Theil, soprano. William Zukof, countertenor. Nel Farrell, tenor. Michael Steinberg, tenor. Elliot Z. Levine, baritone.
Members of the Philip Glass Ensemble:
Jon Gibson: soprano saxophone, clarinet, flute.
Richard E. Peck: Jr., soprano and tenor saxophones.
Michael Riesman: keyboards.
Andrew Sterman: flute, piccolo, bass clarinet.
Viola: Richard Sortomme, Kathleen Foster, Stephanie Fricker, Lois Martin, Martha Mooke: Masako Yanagita.
Cello: Richard Sher, Seymour Barab, Sarah Carter, Marisol Espada, E. Zoe Hassman, Joseph Kimura, Garfield Moore, Matthias D. Naegele. Double Bass: John Beal, Paul Harris.
French Horn: Peter Gordon, Robert Carlisle.
Trumpet: Wilmer Wise, Lorraine Cohen-Moses, Philip Ruecktenwald. Trombone: James Pugh, Dennis Elliot.
Bass Trombone: Alan Raph. Tuba: Kyle Turner.

Produced by Kurt Munkacsi for Euphorbia Productions, Ltd., New York. Recorded and mixed at the Looking Glass Studios, New York. Engineer: Martin Czembor. Assistant Engineer: Ryoji Hata. Chief Technical Engineer: Jamie Mereness. Interns: Jason Smircich, Kenneth Marks. Production Coordinator: Ann Argo. Assistant Production Coordinators: Emily Hall Shannon, Sean McCaul. Design by Barbara de Wilde. Photographs by Richard Misrach. Executive Producers: Philip Glass, Jim Keller, Kurt Munkacsi.

"Ko.yaa.nis.qatsi (from the Hopi language), n. 1. Crazy life. 2. Life in turmoil. 3. Life disintegrating. 4. Life out of balance. 5. A state of life that calls for another way of living.

If we dig precious things from the land,
We will invite disaster.
Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs
Spun back and forth in the sky.
A container of ashes might one day be thrown
From the sky, which could burn the land
And boil the oceans.

LP Inv. Nr.: A-1984-07 Sammlung:

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Philip Glass