Marcel Duchamp, Mitarbeit
Hermann Nitsch, Mitarbeit

Interview by Richard Hamilton and George Heard Hamilton, 1959/1975

Marcel Duchamp im Interview mit Richard Hamilton und G. Heard, 1959
Audio Arts Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4

Die BBC sendete in ihrem dritten Programm in der Reihe “Art, Anti-Art“ ein Interview von George Heard und Richard Hamilton: “Marcel Duchamp Speaks“. Charles Mitchell gab einen kurzen Kommentar dazu.

"This recording made in 1959 of an interview by Richard Hamilton in London and George Heard Hamilton in New York with Marcel Duchamp is a unique and rare opportunity to listen to the artist talk and answer questions about his work, motivation as an artist and views in retrospect on the ’Large Glass’, ’readymades’ and subsequent philosophies built up around him. The following topics are amongst those discussed; readymades, bicycle wheel, bottle dryer, snow shovel, phial of Paris air, origins of Dada, large glass, Courbet, reactions against the retinal conception of painting, Muybridge, Futurists, Bala and so on. The immediate impact of this tape is the ease with which Duchamp articulates often complex issues surrounding his work with immense clarity and simplicity" (Covertext).

Aus der gleichen Reihe stammt das Interview mit Hermann Nitsch, 1975.

"During 1964 Hermann Nitsch with fellow artists Otto Mühl and Günter Brus founded in Austria the ’Vienna Institute for Direct Art’. From 1965, the group organzied a series of events concerned with drawing attention to violent and suppressed tendencies within the human mind. Controversy and social irritation built up around the artists and their activities which were seen as bizarre rituals, with slaughtered animals used in perfomances, blood and flesh being smeared over participants. In this recording made during lunch at the Basle art fair in June 1975, Nitsch talks generally about his work, its sources and influences on his thinking including Jung, Eastern philosophy and Nietzsche, then goes on to describe a new work being planned; a twenty-four-hour feast! (with Charles Merrill)" (Covertext).

MC Inv. Nr.: A-1983-46 Sammlung:

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Marcel Duchamp; Hermann Nitsch