Music Language. Corrected Slogans, 1973

Music Language. Corrected Slogans, 1973

Keep all your friends.
Imagination I &II.
Coleridge vs Martineau.
An exemplification.
Postscript to SDS' infiltration.
War dance I & II. An harangue.
The mistakes of Trotsky...
Louis Napoleon.

Seven compartments.
Don't talk to sociologists...
What are the inexpensive things the panel most enjoys?...
An international.
It's an illusion.
Penny capitalists.
Natura facit saltus.

"'Art and Language' played a key role in the birth of Conceptual Art both theoretically and in terms of the work produced. The name 'Art & Language' was first used by Michael Baldwin, David Bainbridge, Harold Hurrell and Terry Atkinson in 1968 to describe their collaborative work which had been taking place since 1966-67 and as the title of the journal dedicated to the theoretical and critical issues of conceptual art. The collaboration widened between 1969 and 1970 to include Ian Burn, Mel Ramsden, Joseph Kosuth and Charles Harrison. The collaborative nature of the venture was conceived by the artists as offering a critical inquiry into the social, philosophical and psychological position of the artist which they regarded as mystification. By the mid-1970s a large body of critical and theoretical as well as artistic works had developed in the form of publications, indexes, records, texts, performances and paintings. Since 1977, Art and Language has been identified with the collaborative work of Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden and with the theoretical and critical collaboration of these two with Charles Harrison" (zit. nach

LP Technik Verso: Inv. Nr.: A-1983-07 Sammlung:

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