David Tudor

Rainforest IV (1973), 1981

Rainforest IV (1973), 1981

Edition Block (1981)
Mit John Driscoll (*1947, Philadelphia), Philip Edelstein (*1950, New York City), Ralph Jones (*1951, Philadelphia), Martin Kalve (*1951, New York City), David Tudor (1926-1996), Bill Viola (*1951)

Rainforest IV ist ein elektroakustisches Environment, das 1973 von David Tudor konzipiert wurde und von der Gruppe "Composers Inside Electronics" realisiert worden ist. (Plattencover)

"'RAINFOREST' is one of Tudor's landmark works. It exists in 4 possible performance versions, 2 of which are on the present CD and issued commercially for the first time. To describe 'RAINFOREST' is completely impossible. Like the real rainforest, it has too many moving parts. To describe how it works is only a little less difficult. To hear it in operation, however, is an unforgettable experience. Surrounding and engulfing the listener, 'RAINFOREST' blends music and sculpture by placing music in space in extraordinary ways. The idea is to channel electronic output through an object rather than through the usual device, a loudspeaker. Dozens of unique and unlikely objects are suspended from the ceiling at about ear level. The space is filled with gentle sounds given off by the vibration of the hanging objects. Tudor could pick up the vibrations of any of these objects via a contact microphone, feed it back into his controls for filtering and mixing, and then redistribute the sound out again to some other object or a conventional loudspeaker. The recycling phenomenon that takes place makes the entire electro-acoustic apparatus of 'RAINFOREST' an 'ecologically balanced sound system.' The result is a timeless sonic environment full of rich textures offering the listener an infinite variety of aural densities and spatial effects. Intensely alive and unlimited, it is a masterpiece of composition" (zit. nach www.mode.com/catalog/064tudor.html).

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen und Bilder vom Aufbau siehe http://www.floraberlin.de/rlangebartels/texts/klang.htm

LP Technik Verso: www.floraberlin.de/rlangebartels/texts/klang.htm Inv. Nr.: A-1982-69 Sammlung:

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David Tudor