Michael Snow

Music For Piano, Whistling, Microphone And Tape Recorder, 1975

Music For Piano, Whistling, Microphone And Tape Recorder, 1975

Falling Starts (Beginning), 21:09 Min.

Falling Starts (Conclusion), 23:00 Min.

W in the D, 26:05 Min.

Left Right, 22:43 Min.

"The recording process became part of the music" - e.g. when Michael Snow whistled into a microphone or put a microphone on top of his piano with the recording volume way past its proper maximum...
The dense text which covers all the faces of the record-sleeve is set in smaller and smaller type and is a reflection on the record, recording and its "documentary" qualities, on text and image and music, and it is a dialogue with the reader. " The following should be read aloud or sung", it says at one point and at another "maybe this is better as "image" than as literature".

Quelle: http://www.kunstradio.at/HISTORY/WORKS/snow_mus.html

2 LP Inv. Nr.: A-1982-57 Sammlung:

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Michael Snow