Tom Phillips

Words and Music, 1975

Words and Music, 1975

Excerpts from the Opera IRMA, op. XII
Literature for four pianos, op. XI, No. 3
Lesbia Waltz, op. XV
Ornamentik, op. IX

Extracts from A Humument, gelesen von Tom Philips

"'A Humument' is a treated version of a Victorian novel ('A Human Document' by W. H. Mallock, 1892) which, in that it comprises visual material, stories, scores, poems etc., is an attempt to make a Gesamtkunstwerk in small format" (zit. nach Ausst.-Kat. Tom Phillips 1973).

Details zu diesem Werk

LP Inv. Nr.: A-1982-46 Sammlung: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2020

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