Francisco Herrera, d. Ä. ("El Viejo")

Studie eines nach links oben blickenden Apostels (?), 1630 - 1640

On the basis of the staff in the saint's left hand, Diego Angulo Iñiguez and Alfonso Pérez Sánchez suspected that this could be either James the Younger or Jude Thaddeus.[1] Antonio Martínez Ripoll saw similarities to the Head of Saint Paul with His Throat Cut at the Museo Nacional del Prado (P 3058).[2] As with other drawings from this series, the eyes were highlighted with brown ink.

Jens Hoffmann-Samland

1 Angulo Iñiguez and Pérez Sánchez 1985, 20.
2 Martínez Ripoll 1978, 232.

Details zu diesem Werk

Pinsel in Grau, Spuren eines schwarzen Stifts auf Vergé-Papier; aufgezogen 152mm x 100mm (Blatt) Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kupferstichkabinett Inv. Nr.: 38561 Sammlung: KK Zeichnungen, Spanien, 15.-19. Jh. © Hamburger Kunsthalle / bpk Foto: Christoph Irrgang, CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

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