Francisco de Herrera, d. J. ("El Mozo")

Rankenornament mit Putto, Putto with Plant Decoration, 1650 - 1685

The clear hatching strokes in this work were executed with a broad attack and very even, short curves, especially in the cherub. They establish the body's forms with chiaroscuro, and its contours with somewhat longer lines. The right wing is drawn with the same intensity- thanks to the curved hatching, it almost seems to move.
The former attribution to Francisco de Herrera the Younger[1] was based on a comparison of this sheet with drawings in the Galleria degli Uffizi that have since been identified as works by Francisco Herrera the Elder.[2] The difficulties involved in distinguishing between the hands of father and son also arise in a drawing at Madrid's Biblioteca Nacional that bears numerous similarities to this one. The Biblioteca Nacional drawing was formerly attributed to the elder Herrera with some reservation, but since the time of Jonathan Brown's 1975 publication it is considered an early work by the son.[3] Since the present sheet exhibits the drawing style typical of Herrera the Elder and is more rigorously worked out, without the more casual strokes typical of Herrera the Younger, the attribution to the father now seems reasonable.

Jens Hoffmann-Samland

1 Stubbe (dir.) 1966, 21.
2 Angulo Iñiguez and Pérez Sánchez 1985, 28, no. 78.
3 Two Putti Holding an Escutcheon, Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, inv. no. DIB 13/1/64. See Brown 1975, pl. 4. Inv. no. 38557 See pp. 44-45

Details zu diesem Werk

Feder in Schwarz über schwarzem Stift auf gräulichem Vergé-Papier; aufgezogen 200mm x 140mm (Blatt) Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kupferstichkabinett Inv. Nr.: 38480 Sammlung: KK Zeichnungen, Spanien, 15.-19. Jh. © Hamburger Kunsthalle / bpk Foto: Christoph Irrgang, CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

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